Indian Medical Association - Kerala Branch

IMA- Helping Hands- Support

India has one of the largest numbers of doctors in the world. It is estimated that more than 1 million doctors are in India. Every year more than 80,000 medical students graduate as doctors from 529 medical colleges in India. Medical profession is considered as more stressful, but mental health is still a taboo subject in the medical profession in the Indian context. Doctors have higher suicide risk, 2.5 times more than the general population.
During the past five years more than 200 senior doctors, young undergraduates and postgraduate medical students have died by suicide.Most of  them were reported to be depressed and used lethal method such as hanging and medications.

Medical profession is considered as more stressful, but mental health is still a taboo subject in the medical profession in the Indian context. Doctors have higher suicide risk, 2.5 times more than the general population.

"IMA Helping Hands" is a project of IMA Kerala State in collaboration with Indian Psychiatric Society, Kerala State and Kerala Government Medical Officer's Association started in the year 2023-24 for providing emotional support and to decrease the suicides among doctors and medical students. Our aim is to extend emotional support and psychological first aid for doctors and medical students at the time of crisis. Our volunteers who are experienced psychiatrists will be available from 8 am to 8 pm to listen to your problems without any prejudice, without prior appointment and maintaining absolute confidentiality. Our service will be absolutely free.

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